Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Seeing Stars Again

A finish for this month, Baby Zak's quilt by Rosie Quinlan made using fabrics by American Jane. A Look'n'Learn FQ bundle bought on a really really good discount,discounts like this one aren't always easy to find but they are out there; and boy do you feel good when you find one!
I really thought I was going to have this quilt done in a couple of days but more than half way through the quilt kept getting thready knot monsters underneath.
I tried everything and even rang a few people in the know.
Not a single thing worked so I put the quilt aside and worked on another quilt for a while, with no problems what so ever.
Then back to what I now call Sophie's Stars, and I was back to those nasty thread monsters.
So I gritted my teeth, perservered with the monsters and after many painful hours the quilt was finished.
I machine stitched one side of the binding on, no monsters in sight then; and nothing had changed.
I really don't know where the little b****rs came from or where they went to, but boy do I hope they stay away!
On a more serious note I can only assume that they are something to do with either the tension discs or my machine having a drop in bobbin - these can bounce around once less than half full, causing knotty problems. I was still getting knots with a full bobbin, new correct size/type needle, checked the tension, same thread in the top and bottom, stitch size...etc etc. I checked, rechecked and rechecked AGAIN everything. Theoretically it should not have happened but it did.
The quilt is finished. YEAHHHH!
Don't mind it looking all bumpy and unironed, thats because it is unironed.
Do you see the colour pattern I did in the quilt????
I have heard that these stars have a nickname, have you??????
Over the past two years since I have been reading blogs I have excitedly entered into numerous draws, never to win anything. Gradually I stopped entering most giveaways and nowdays only enter an odd one.
Well Joy from Joypatch recently released a new pattern and had a giveaway that I entered AND WON! Boy was I EXCITED! I FINALLY won something!
Her giveaway arrived in yesterdays mail.
A copy of the new 'Dragonfly in Flight' pattern. You have to have a look at it on her blog or site, as the border is simply stunning, but a bit hard to see in my pic of the pattern here.

Some cool bag ladies teabags!

Coasters, dragonfly stickers, pencils, pin/brooch, cute little happy rock/pebble and a gorgeous little pink dragonfly.

Oops, better watch that cute little happy pebble, little fingers are trying to remove it!

Here it all is together, yes Joy wrapped it up in beautiful purple tissue paper with pretty pink organza ribbon - boy did I feel spoilt!


While there is still a bit of light left outside, and before it cools off too much, I am going to repair this flannel quilt.
This was my first flannel quilt and I have learnt from it what NOT to do with flannel! As flannel is more openly woven than most cottons it frays more easily. I finished this quilt about twelve months ago and noticed not long after that it needed repairing.

It is a 50th birthday gift for my SIL, also kind of a thankyou for her too. She brought my mil up one week after I had my appendix out nearly two years ago, the day before dh went back to work. I really needed their help, even though I thought I would have managed I knew once they were here that I would not have coped so well. They stayed almost a fortnight and helped with everything. DH was pleased to have a visit from some of his family.

When my sil was here the kit arrived in themail and she admired the fabrics, so I decided to make a second one for us and give her the first one - she doesn't know yet. *grin*
It's a fabulous size quilt to snuggle with on the lounge..... and she lives in the Snowy Mountains, near Mt Selwyn in the highest town in Australia, so it gets VERY cold there. I am sure it will be well used.
How is your fabric buying going?
I've done alot of hard thinking yesterday and today about the new pattern that I won.
I have a jellyroll and a charm here that I could use to make it, however I would need to purchase yardage to go with it. This was not an existing project when I started my new fabric/new project ban, it is a new project. I can't keep to my ban AND buy the fabric to make the quilt. The quilt will have to wait until December, which won't take long to get here! When I did think about making the quilt in more REALISTIC terms, I know now that I wouldn't get it made with my other committments. By the time December comes I will have more time to put towards working on it. If I did it now, I would end up feeling terrible, not only for breaking my ban but for not being able to put in the time on the quilt that I would want to.
oh gosh. I have waffled! I hope it all makes sense.... *grin*
So to summarise, after much thinking on a NEW project that I had SOME of the fabric for, I have gone back to my original plan. No new fabric for new projects.
Good girl Bec!
Now if any of you in this ban with me face situations, I want to know. Let me know how you cope if you go into a shop. Send me an email to let me know if you blog about it so I don't miss it.


Kate said...

Congrats on the win, looks like you got some fab goodies!

I'm doing fine with not buying any fabric, got enough to keep me busy for now...but I'm spending too much on other things instead! Can't resist a sale, and its stuff that I do need, so I can't complain...

Cardygirl said...

Love the stars... the colour placement looks good!

Sarah said...

Your Sophie's Stars is just gorgeous Bec! After all that hard work, and frustration it has really been worth it! It looks really great!
Congrats on your win too, that is a really great pattern!
x Sarah

Tammy said...

Hi Bec, beautiful work, and that lovely coaster is a perfect match for my Napkins ; )

Nice to see what you have been up to.

Amanda said...

Your stars quilt is lovely, the colours work perfectly. I've not been tempted yet to buy fabric, but I've signed up for a class in August to make a Christmas wall hanging, so just have to hope I can find enough fabric to make it from stash.

Anonymous said...

Just love your Sophie's Star quilt Bec. I woner if the problems has anything to do with different weight in fabrics etc, just a thought. Lucky you on the win with Joy's giveaway, such a terrific pattern.

Anonymous said...

Painful knots!! Your quilt looks great!! Good on you for no new fabric yet!! Well done!! You're a winner! That's awesome!! I'm a bit like you... not that lucky!!!

Joy said...

So pleased you like all your goodies Bec ... I had such fun hunting for anything "dragonfly" :o).
You're very strong not to buy any more fabric, goodness, I just have no will power!!!
Joy :o)

Quilter Going Bananas said...

Love your goodies and your quilt! Too bad you had problems :^(

Be strong with your not buying any new fabric!!!

Jenny of Elefantz said...

That beautiful quilt is really a labour of love, Bec! Congrats on your prizes - may you be even more blessed for the rest of the year!!

Chookyblue...... said...

omg Bec talk about throwing somethings into a post..........

love the stars quilt

the flannel looks great.....pain in the butt to have to repair it

you are SOOOOOO lucky you didn't buy any more fabric to start a new project totally AGAINST your rules........lol........

Myra said...

Sophie's Stars quilt looks wonderful Bec! I love the color layout you did! Very nice... 8-)
Major congrats on your win! And what a great pattern for that win! Woohoo!
Lovely goodies...
The flannel for your SIL is wonderful! I am sure she will love and appreciate it very much... Will it still be a surprize if she reads your blog? 8-)
Sounds like you are doing well on your Ban on New Project Fabric... good for you!
Happy stitchings... now back to mine... 8-)

Lisa said...

Love the stars quilt, it is beautiful and congrats on winning! I'm having a giveaway now, be sure to join in!!

Unknown said...

The starquilt is gorgeous.