On myself.
This means no fabric purchases until mid December.
I am allowing myself to purchase fabric IF NEEDED to finish a project in the works, not a new project.
Why am I doing this???
Saving money, being frugal, building character, utilising what I have instead of browsing and buying.....and the list goes on and on and on......
Blogging about this makes me more accountable.
There is a catch. *grin*
There are a couple of pieces of Arcadia by Moda; and Deer Valley by Jowl Dewberry for FreeSpirit that I want/need to get.
Can anyone recomend a place that sells BOTH ranges in full yardage????
The places I keep finding only sell a few bolts and don't have the ones I am after.
I don't mind buying from the US, the exchange rate is pretty good at the moment.
Now, will anyone be joining me on my six month no buy????
(existing BOMs excluded)
I broke my self-imposed ban yesterday, but only to buy a few African fabrics to make a cover for our newly refurbished elephant stool. I'm determined to make some scrappy quilts for the twins beds in our guest room using only the fabric I have. All I'm planning to buy is thread and wadding - I'm sure I have plenty of largish pieces that will do for backings, though I may have to look for some remnants to make enough. I've got enough fabric for stitchery backgrounds too, and enough floss to last me a lifetime I think. So yes, I'm with you - perhaps we should have an 'honesty blog', perhaps on the last day of each month, along with anyone else who fancies joining in. That might motivate us all - and perhaps we could devise some small penalty for anyone who 'falls off the wagon' - or is that taking it all a bit too far?
What you are doing is a good idea and I will try to do the same. I pretty much have already told myself I am not buying anymore as my stash is stashed up. Good luck with yours and we will see how we go :)
Oh that is so cruel.... I was very pleased with myself today, though, as I have 2 stacked coin baby quilts to make and I managed to get all the pieces out of my stash.. all I need to buy is some white homespun to finish them off.
I'd love to join you, but Im pretty sure I can't make it that long; I keep spotting things I like! I am trying to cut down the purchasing though, and the Aussie:US dollar is making it easier in that I get more fabric for my $$$.
Good luck!
Good Luck!! I don't think I'll be joining you in that one... especially since I know that I've got a weekend in Nundle later in the year!!! I hope you go well with your quest!!
You might try Pink Chalk Studio. I know Kathy carries Deer Valley (hey, Deer Valley is in my back yard) but I'm not sure about the other. Good luck on your ban;)
I can't join yet either ... well I don't need to as I only just started sewing again ... and stash building. lol
Oh and this place http://www.runnergirlfabric.com/servlet/StoreFront
has both the ranges you are looking for
I'll join you for 6 weeks........well til my Nundle retreat anyway........surely I can survive that long........
Wow! I am so impressed that you are making this commitment. I will be useless at that!
Good on you Bec! I did that late last year for quite a while and amazed myself at the burst of creativity I had. I hope you find that too. :-) But you're so creative anyway!!! LOL!
I just checked the on-line places I usually shop but none have both complete lines. Good luck. Have you tried Etsy? Love your stack at the top of your post. Yum. Well I've love to participate in your diet but I am weak. I really am trying to cut back though. :o)
I won't be that strong! But I admire you & will offer support! It is hard...it is an addiction!
I would love to join but I just got back to quilting after 2 years...and I am buying everywhere for my new projects!!!
I love reading your blogs!!
Good luck with your 6 months! I managed it for a whole year 2 years ago... 8-)
I wish you luck on your venture LOL
I know I would not be able to last 6 months hehe
Oh wow great for you.
I imagine this is not easy . I do not even quilt but when I see all the fabric I just want to collect it.....
How funny, did you look on the back of the tea card, i think I know the artist LOL. Thanks for putting in the picture!
best to you!
Oh my. I know I could never stick to that. What about swapping? :-D You could still do that.. couldn't you? And buy OLD fabrics?.. like in vintage feedsacks? :-D
Hey.. that's a pretty card up there on that stack. :-D
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