Yes there is a dark side, a dark side to my fabric choices!
I felt I had to show some as it seems recently I have mostly shown brights and florals.
I love so many fabrics that I can't pin myself down to one sort.
Above fabrics by Jo Morton

still no further on this one.....

Last but certainly not least.

This is a peak at a quilt top I finished this morning.
SOOO excited about this one.
This is the one I HAD to change the borders on.
The original borders are now the outer borders and the quilt is RIGHT now, looks fabulous!
When we have a sunny day I will share a better picture.
The fabrics are Nature's Chorus by April Cornell.
My daughter, JessieGirl, located where our new kittens have been hiding. In the hay shed all nice and snug. A few hours after the discovery I looked out the door to see Master3 trying to give a kitten to another cat that was asleep on the verandah. *chuckle*
When I tried to talk him into taking the kitten back he declared 'MINE MINE MINE, MY CAT'. (never argue with a three year old, it just frustrates you).
He did eventually take the kitten back, and I had a peak at them tonight.
ohh so cute.
They have just opened their eyes and there are five of them.
I have very electic tastes. Too much of one thing gets boring. I love your "darker" side. Delicious colors. Can't wait to see the reveal of your little peek.
Love your repros...especially the pinks & browns. Aren't kittens cute!
I love Jo Morton's fabric. Reproduction fabrics is a favorite online site of mine, Bec, but I wonder if you know thousands of bolts and only one nut, which has a lot of discounted fabric, although not always exactly what I'm looking for. And it's far from you.........My local quilt shop, if you're interested, is great. It's called The Polka Dot Pincushion in Richfield, Ohio, but unfortunately there seem to be no pictues on the web........Looking forward to knowing your secret.
Love the browns and pinks! They are beautiful! Aww... every kid should be able to have kittens! Bit of a problem if he didn't want to put it back though!!
Oh don't you just love to look at fabric. Yummy brown and pink - they look so good together.
Variety is the spice of life. :-) And I agree with Stephanie.. the same things all the time get boring. It is fun to mix things up.
Can't wait to see the little kitties.. please!
Nature's Chorus by April Cornell is on my list of fabrics to buy...I love them!
love these fabrics ...........don't stick with one style.......I swap around to all sorts.....
Love these fabrics, the pinks & browns are just gorgeous together. I am like you, no one style, I just like everything! - well except for big flowers LOL
Absolutely lovely fabrics Bec! Love the Jo Morton ones... 8-)
My gosh! 5 kids under 8!?! Where do you find the time to sew/quilt!?! Wow but you are impressive! 8-)
I can just imagine the convo with your 3 year old about the kitten needing to go back to it's mother... cute! 8-)
Happy stitchings!
So many beautiful fabrics there. Look forward seeing the top.
Aww how sweet- 5 kittens! I love the bottom of their paws.
Your pink and brown just made me think of chocolate cake decorated in strawberries with a touch of cream. ...I'll go and stand in the naughty corner now. :-)
Gotta love the pinks and brown combo... I love most fabrics too, cant decide on which is my most fav either!
x Sarah
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