This is the last block I have to stitch for
Gardeners Journal quilt. earlier in the year I had three blocks completed, then fractured my foot and was able to complete most the stitcheries but wasn't able to put the blocks together. Just after christmas I spent about half a day piecing the blocks, got carried away with joining the blocks up and am now VERY impatient to have this last block stitched and added on so I can put the borders on!

At times it did feel like I had a mountain to stitch, but like mountains when you get there the feeling is just great! Can't wait to quilt this....

Now that Gardeners Journal is almost finished I can pick up the stitchery project I just started when the
Stitch A Long came along. This is Little Patchwork Village by Rosalie Quinlan Designs. I raided my stash and have a lovely pile of reproduction fabrics to make the quilt up in. The threads I am using are the Valdini three strand that I got from Anni at The Home Patch. They are beautiful to work with; and though it isn't much trouble to separate the DMC threads it is nice to not do it for a bit.
Chookyblue has a new project for the
StitchALong for this year, Natalie Birds gorgeous christmas book, but I won't be joining in with this as I want to get Little Patchwork Village finished and also have an older BOM that I want to get done that has alot of applique and stitching in it.
Aunty has been meeting up with other stitchers in her area and she tells me that she will be joining in with this StitchALong and will be working on it at their weekly get togethers....sounds so lovely! Aunty has another big job this year, she is coming to visit before/after we go to GDITC at Nundle and will be sorting/helping me to sort out my fabric kit to make up McKenna Ryan's 'Back to the Farm' quilt (the same one she has been making at classes). I ordered this kit last year from Hancocks of Paducah (who sell these kits for McKenna's new quilts at a great price) and Aunty joined her local patchwork shop to make the quilt; then we compared notes and realised we both wanted to make the same quilt!

This face is Raggie Rose and she needs to be finished before Tuesday as she is off for a full day on the train to Sydney to go to her new home. I bought her as a kit from
Katkin Designs. Gorgeous dolls.
Your GJ is looking lovely Bec....and how nice are those little houses...you doll looks cute (well the head anyway)...
Come you can do it! You were quick putting the other blocks together. I won't tell you how long it's taking me. See you at GDITC.
OH WOW so close to finishing!
I am lookig forward to when I can start my Quilters Journal from Leanne House. But am working on the Snowman Quilt from My Favourite Things...
well done on your GJ quilt, Bec! You've done a great job. Not far to go now! Love the Raggedy head too!
Love your GJ quilt!!
I am doing the Patchwork Village too, have done 2 blocks in the last year LOL and am using stuff out of my stash too.
Looking forward to catching up with you in Nundle!
Cute face on that doll Bec and you are doing so well with GJ - better than me lol. It was also nice to see you did not mention that I piked on you with LPV - have you forgiven me yet??? xxxx
You have been very busy. you will get the last block done. I am waiting to see what you doll head will end up to be .
Your Gardener's Journal quilt is looking great, you must be feeling very chuffed. I've got my Down in the Garden top finished, so just the quilting to go. I'm still trying to decide how to quilt it after the Tail Feathers fiasco last year. I'm not doing a 'bought' BOM this year, as I'm keen to get on with the Japanese quilt; three blocks done so far.
A beautiful looking quilt Bec. Congratulations on your achievement.
Look forward to seeing Raggie Rose complete too. She looks like a lovely doll.
wow your cruising Bec........Gj looking great........is going to be wonderful to see them all together at Nundle..........
Goodluck with McKenns is it lots of work but will be worth it.......
Hi Bec - your GJ is looking lovely, nearly there now! How is the ankle doing now - back to normal I hope. Your plans for the year sound great - can't wait to see your progress.
Well Bec, Looks like you are a busy bee, and having fun with what you are working on... you blocks are looking great!
Your Raggie Rose is looking good so far! 8-)
Your GJ quilt is beautiful Bec. I'm also making Little Patchwork Village - I think I have 3 blocks stitched. Looking forward to seeing a picture of your finished doll.
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